How to Stay in Touch Next Time the Texas Grid Goes Down
It's so easy to correspond with loved ones these days. It takes all of thirty seconds to send a text: "Hi, just thinking about you" or "You're the coolest, I love you" and make someone's day. It's not hard.
However, sometimes I wonder if it would be easier to stay in touch with each other if we went back to how it was for thousands of years before...technology. Now, because of how absorbed we are with scrolling social media, passively catching up on people's reels, we neglect genuinely catching up on each others' lives.
We assume the one snapshot they post every other month tells us all we need to know. Or worse, we busy ourselves with perusing the posts of strangers, and neglect to connect with the friend who would actually meet us for dinner and a lively round of mini-golf.
My point. The next time the grid goes down, social media gets hacked, or global warming starts burning up the phone lines, how will we stay in touch with our people? How will we send messages to each other? How will you let Jason know he needs to bring some gluten-free brownies to the zombie watch party? How will you let Ashley know that the pink sneakers are more sensible than the sparkly heels as we run for the hills? When our oh-so-easy means of correspondence shuts down, we need other ways to stay in touch. Here they are:
How to Stay In Touch Next Time the Texas Grid Goes Down
Gallery Credit: Jana Keyes
Until then, take a minute or two out of your day to text your friends and family. Appreciate the ease with which you can convey your love to them. Make use of instant messaging, one of the few ways technology can actually help nurture relationships.

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