The Tin Fore Golf Classic Benefits Families of Downed Officers
The 'Tin Fore Golf Tournament' is a benefit for "Local Roll Call of Officers Memorial Monument" for those officers killed in the line of duty. The tournament is being put on by the Taylor County Sheriff's Officers Association.
Anyone can play in this tournament and your are encouraged to get your own team together. Each team will consist of four players and will be a 'best ball' style tournament.
Here's how you can help and sign up.
- Tin Fore Golf Tournament
- Maxwell Municipal Golf Course
- 1002 S.32nd Abilene TX.
Dates and Times
- Friday May 11, 2018
- 8 AM registration
- 9 AM shotgun start
- 12-1 PM awards presentation
- $260 per team
- $100 Red Tee sponsor
- $250 Blue Tee sponsor
- $500 Gold Tee sponsor
- $1,000 Black Tee sponsor
More Info
- Format is four person best ball
- Sign up at Maxwell Golf Course or email: tcsoassoc@gmail.com
- Raffle tickets available for a shotgun & more
- Full paid entry includes lunch
- For more contact 325-692-2737
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