The Oldest Bar in Texas Is…
We love to drink so much in Texas, we have our own national beer (Lone Star). Heck, our love of going out for a frothy beverage dates all the way back to 1866 when the first watering hole opened up down in the capitol city of Austin.
According to Thrillist, Scholz Garten, is the oldest bar in Texas.
Scholz Garten was founded in 1866 by German immigrant August Scholz and is a favorite stop for many locals and tourists alike.
Scholz Garten is a very popular stop for Longhorns fans as the beer hall is within walking distance of the games. It is also a Texas Historic Landmark.
Scholz Garten is located at 1607 San Jacinto Blvd, Austin, Texas.
Next time you're down in Austin, check em out. They're known for live music, cold brew, and of course, schnitzel.
If you've ever been down to Scholz Garten, share your experience in the comments section below.
Another dubious distinction is that Scholz Garden is also the oldest restaurant in Texas.