Gear Up Abilene and Jump On the Battle Wagon To Help Annihilate The Demons
Abilene's Rise Church and their Rise Discipleship are getting ready for their annual event, the "Demon Hunter Expo" a Zombie Paintball Ride. The demon hunting and extermination are scheduled for every Saturday night in October from 7:30 PM until midnight.
This incredibly fun event all started as an exciting way to raise money for the Rise Discipleship Home. The Home is a completely free in-patient program that helps men who are battling with drugs, alcohol, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and or suicidal thoughts.
LOOK: These are the Demon Warriors and their Paintball weapons of choice
The Rise Desipleship program has already assisted hundreds of men and women in getting them back on track and has given them the tools to lead. Every Rise member is given a solid "Biblical Foundation" that has proven time and time again to build character and gives them the confidence to be leaders and guide others into God's path.
The Rise Discipleship Program is a free-of-charge, one-year, in-patient program with no waiting list.
The Rise Decipleship says, "We help men and women who struggle with challenges such as drug and alcohol addiction, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and PTSD. If you know of anyone struggling in those areas and you want them to get the help that they need call our intake number at 325-232-8544 or visit us online." Source: Rise Us
As for the Demon Hunter Expo, they promise that there is nothing out there that even comes close to being like "Demon Hunters Expo" as you'll see in the video below. Furthermore, you'll want to be one of God's warriors fighting to annihilate all the demons.
The zombies may be terrifying, but fear not, you will be prepared with a nitrogen-charged Blackhawk paintball gun loaded with 150 rounds of zombie-defeating paintballs as you'll see in the video below. You will have the time of your life. Don't wait, get your tickets here and now for Demon Hunter Expo.
Check out the story on the Black-Eyed Kids that were spotted in Abilene.