Get ready to laugh yourself silly with some of my favorite Dad Jokes. I recommend that you keep these to yourself and share them with the kids on Father's Day.
Ahh, summer. 'Tis the season of watermelon art, diving fails and-- you guessed it-- belly flops. When we were kids, this pool move was awesome. But nowadays... who are we kidding? It's still (painfully) awesome!
Pottytraining can be frustrating, not to mention time consuming, cutting into precious minutes a toddler could be spending watching Dora the Explorer, but not anymore! Meet the iPotty, a training toilet with a built-in holder for an iPad so your toddler can use the restroom just like a grownup -- while playing Angry Birds and watching Netflix.
How I miss the man the media labeled "The Great Communicator", I don't care what side of the political isle you sit on, this President was funny, laying all politics aside I was not a big fan of politics back then but I knew if I watched for any length of time during any of the presidents press conferences he would start his old tired and true vaudevillian comedy routine. And if you did