Kiwanis Club Chili Supper and Auction to Benefit Local Children
If you like grubbing down on some chili and helping out children, you can do both at the same time with the Kiwanis Club's 60th Annual Chili Supper and Auction.
Date and Time
- Saturday February 25th
- 11am - 7pm
- Abilene Civic Center
- 1100 North 6th Street in Abilene
- Advanced tickets are $6
- Tickets at the door will be $7
- Book of 10 tickets for $50
- Children under 5 eat free
More Info
- All you can eat chili
- Soft drinks, cobbler, tacos, and ice cream will be available at extra cost
- All proceeds go to benefit local non-profit organizations that benefit children
- Silent auction
If you would like more information, who to purchase advanced tickets from, or to donate an item for auction, contact the Kiwanis Club of Greater Abilene.