I'll come out and say it. Abilene is a city with a bunch of vehicles on the road. Cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, you name it. As with many Abilenians, I drive on Clack and Danville streets every day. If it's not commuting to work and home, it's running to the grocery store or other errands. In a nutshell, I drive them both a lot.

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The amount of cars and trucks on the road nowadays is a lot more than I ever remembered from living in Abilene before. When you drive both of these streets on a daily, you learn a thing or two about other drivers and their behavior. It's time for me to share some of these frustrating and dangerous discoveries. See if you agree.


Photo: Brad Elliott
Photo: Brad Elliott

Turn Signals Don't Mean Anything

When driving on Clack and Danville, sometimes you need to change lanes for whatever reason. Make sure you plan way in advance. Sometimes other drivers don't give you the chance to even change lanes, let alone make a turn. You know the other driver sees you and your turn signal. It's just plain rude. Not to mention dangerous.


Photo: Brad Elliott
Photo: Brad Elliott
There's never a shortage of vehicles waiting to turn onto these two streets.
Photo: Brad Elliott
Photo: Brad Elliott

Although Speed Limits Are Posted, Many Don't Obey Them

The speed limit is posted but that doesn't matter. Folks zip right on past you. Speed can kill and it has. We all have places to be. The important thing is to get there in one piece.


Photo: Brad Elliott/Canva
Photo: Brad Elliott/Canva

Must You Really Follow So Close?

Why is it necessary for some folks to drive so close behind? If I'm not going fast enough for you, go around, it's simple. I've seen so many collisions due to this aggressive behavior. This very thing came up in conversation with friends and we all agreed it happens way too much. Why Abilene, why?

Nothing good comes from car accidents. It's certainly not an enjoyable experience for anyone. Take some time to review some safe driving tips. It's important to do everything you can to keep you and your family safe.

It never fails. Ultimately we all have been guilty at one time or another. I'm talking about traffic violations. Look below for some of the most popular driving offenses in the Lone Star State.

Top 10 Driving Violations for Texas

Here is a look at the most common driving violations in the state of Texas