I will confess here and now, I averaged between 2 to 4 hours of sleep a night. After watching the Mayo Clinic video and reading up more on the study conducted by The Sleep Foundation.org website I concluded that I am sleeping in the right position even if it's just for two to four hours.

So whether it's your beauty rest, or you're catching some z's, or getting some shut-eye time the best thing to do is to do it in the right position. Here's why it's so important that you sleep in the correct position your spine, your hips, your neck, and your internal organs are taking the biggest hit if you're not sleeping in the right position.

Whenever you get up in the morning does your back sometimes hurt, or is your neck feeling stiff, are your muscles feeling a bit sore, or are you dealing with constipation issues? Several studies prove we Texans are some of the hardest workers in the U.S. and are not afraid to do the heavy lifting manual labor stuff. So, it only stands to reason that when it's time to recuperate we sleep in the right positions.

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The Mayo Clinic study did reveal when it comes to getting a good night's sleep some states do better than others. Texas however made the top ten list. While we Texans did not make it to number one the state of Hawaii did. The Aloha state is getting not only the most sleep but they get the best sleep too.


We in the Lone Star State have our preferred sleeping positions. The number one favorite sleeping position is fetal and according to Web MD, the fetal is the best position we should be in when sleeping.

The Log position was number two on the list and it's where one sleeps resting on your side but with your back mostly straight. The log can help cut down on sleep apnea and help eliminate neck and back pain since your spine stays straight.

The Freefall was number 3 on the list and that's when you sleep on your stomach however the Web Md researchers say that can cause back and neck issues. Number four on the list is called the Soldier where you sleep flat on your back with your arms by your side it can cause snoring issues and may be the reason for interrupted sleep.

Nonetheless, Texas ranks at #9 for most sleep averaging 7.8 hours of sleep per night. Furthermore, we Texans ranked at number 14 for quality of sleep. According to the CDC, we must all get plenty of sleep and good quality sleep as well if we want to live longer healthier lives. Happy Dreams!

Photo by: Aeris / Deirdre Kronschnabel
Photo by: Aeris / Deirdre Kronschnabel

KEEP READING: 15 Natural Ways to Improve Your Sleep