Mike Sampson

‘Flashdance’ Coming to Broadway in Summer 2013
Wow, what a feeling! The 1983 movie ‘Flashdance’ – about a steel welder turned stripper turned ballet dancer – will soon be a Broadway musical from the creators of ‘Jersey Boys.’

Reality TV Beauty Queen Arrested For Prostitution
Alicia Guastaferro is notorious for being one of the least likable reality TV stars of all time (which is saying something considering the competition). In a 2008 appearance on ‘Wife Swap’ she was spoiled by her parents who leave their Christmas tree up all year and shower her daily with gifts (during the show she received a Chevy Tahoe as one present). Later, the local beauty queen would tell the

Kim Kardashian Lobbying For Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame
The Hollywood Walk of Fame is made up of over 2,000 sidewalk monuments to actors, musicians, directors and producers. Kim Kardashian believes she should be included on the Walk of Fame for being a reality star. We’ll let that sink in for a second.

Emma Stone Wants Her ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ Character to Die
‘Amazing Spider-Man 2‘ may be a few years off yet, but star Emma Stone already has some ideas on her character for the sequel. Specifically, she wants to die.

Tom Hanks, Still Awesome
Last we checked, Tom Hanks was a pretty awesome guy. Hold on, let’s check back in with Mr. Hanks this morning. OK, so he’s hanging out with college kids at a pizza place posing for series of crazy photos? Yup. Tom Hanks is still awesome.

Warner Bros. Removing Confederate Flag From ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ Car
The General Lee – Bo and Luke Duke’s vehicle of choice from ‘The Dukes of Hazzard‘ – is a classic and instantly recognizable Hollywood car. But it’s about to get a little less recognizable as Warner Bros., the studio that owns the theatrical, DVD and licensing rights to ‘The Dukes of Hazzard,’ has decided to remove the confederate flag from all future versions of the car.

What Were Stan Lee’s Least Favorite Marvel Movies?
Stan Lee has been a good company man for Marvel – he’s appeared in pretty much every modern Marvel movie ever made and has generally be a positive brand ambassador. But geez, even Stan Lee kinda hated the ‘Fantastic Four’ movies…

‘The Expendables 3′ Will Happen Without Chuck Norris
‘The Expendables 3‘ looks like an all but certain sequel at this point and while Sylvester Stallone and his crew appear to be ready for another adventure, they’ll have to do so without Chuck Norris who says he’s not interested in returning for the third film.

Biggest Summer Movies of 2012: What Was a Hit and What Flopped
A lot of movies came out in the Summer of 2012. Some were good and some were…not so good. But one thing’s for sure: they made a lot of money. We took a look back at some of the biggest movies of the Summer of 2012 to see what worked and what didn’t. Some films won’t surprise you – you mean ‘The Avengers‘ was a big hit?… – but others – people still go see those ‘Ice Age’ movies?! – will.

Now You Can Buy ‘Breaking Bad’ Meth (Psst, It’s Just Candy)
Hey man, wanna buy some ‘Breaking Bad‘ meth? OK, let’s clarify before the DEA comes busting down our door. Do you want to buy what they use as meth on ‘Breaking Bad?’ Now you can, via a local Albuquerque, New Mexico candy shop.

Nude on TV: A 407% Increase Since 2011
This will probably come as no surprise to any of you who watch ‘Game of Thrones’ or ‘True Blood’ but the Parents Television Council just released a study that found 76 incidents of full nudity during primetime hours, a 407% increase over 2011. That’s a lot of nudity.

‘Finding Nemo 2′ to Bring Back Ellen DeGeneres
Though Pixar has yet to formally announce ‘Finding Nemo 2,’ the animation studio is quietly working hard behind-the-scenes to prep for the upcoming sequel. Director Andrew Stanton recently signed a deal to return and now come reports the Ellen DeGeneres is in talks to once again voice the forgetful fish Dory.