Crash Kelley
How To Make Pumpkin Spice Pure Texas
Texans love pumpkin spice. Yet, many of us have yet to figure out a way to make this fall craze truly "Texas," until now. Fall is no longer an either or season.
What Do Those Metal Stars on Texas Homes and Barns Mean?
"Barn Stars" are said to have originated in Pennsylvania with the Amish. Texas being "The Lone Star State", they are popping up here in Texas as well.
Is The Farmer’s Almanac is Predicting a Tough West Texas Winter
The Farmer's Almanac claims to use a secret scientific formula to predict weather patterns. So what is the almanac predicting for this winter in West Texas?
Is It Illegal to Eat While Driving in Texas?
Is it against the law to eat while driving in Texas? Like all legal questions, the answer might not be as straightforward as you expect