The Town & Country Drive-In in Abilene is putting on an event called 'Movies and Mistletoe' on December 1st.  The event will not only get you in to the holiday spirit, but it also will help the drive-in make the move over to digital movies.

Earlier this year, the Motion Picture Association of America announced that all movie theaters, drive-ins included, would have to go with digital projections by 2013.  The project will cost a lot of money, so Town & Country has started a 'Go Digital or Go Dark' campaign with many fundraisers like this to help keep the local theater going.



'Movies and Mistletoe'


Town & Country Drive-In

2902 Vogel Street in Abilene

Date and Time

December 1st at 6pm

First movie around 7:30pm


$8 for adults, $4 for kids 12 and under and kids in car seats are free

Other Info

In addition to the double feature, this Christmas celebration will showcase a number of local vendors, an air castle, a visit from Santa Claus for the kids, and other surprises.Preview

For more information on this event, or the 'Go Digital or Go Dark' campaign, check out Town & Country's Facebook page or their official website.

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