A Scammer Helped Give this Texas City Bragging Rights
When you visit different Texas cities you look forward to checking out the skyline. Those buildings grace the skies and give the residents something to look at. Even in Amarillo, we can check out the First Bank Southwest Tower and even the Santa Fe Building.
Many cities have even taller buildings obviously but this is the story of the city that got scammed to brag about their littlest skyscraper. This city you have probably driven through hundreds of times on your way to Dallas. The city that got scammed was Wichita Falls.
Legend has it that back in the day Wichita Falls was looking for some prime real estate to host some office space. They were growing and needed a new location to host some of their booming businesses. That is when an oil man and promoter named JD McMahon stepped in with a plan. He had blueprints of this majestic building. It was just what the city was looking for.
That was until it was built and standing there for all to see. When the same JD McMahon disappeared. It seems that the blueprints that were signed off by the ones in charge in Wichita Falls was actually in inches and not feet. Oh, and nobody noticed. So a building they thought would tower into the skies did not.
It stood just forty feet. So instead of being this majestic building that housed many offices it ended up being the world's littlest skyscraper. There was nothing that the officials could do against the scammer because had anyone paid attention the plans clearly stated they were in inches and not feet. So he did exactly what they signed off for him to do.
The best part is that the building is still there standing proud. It's something now more of a landmark for travelers to visit when they are in the area. It can be found at the corner of Seventh Street and LaSalle.
So next time you are in the area make plans to stop. Oh, and use this as a warning to always pay attention to what you are signing. Otherwise, you may end up with the littlest skyscraper in your neighborhood.