Here in Texas, we are proud of our families, right? I know I am. We're also proud of our hobbies and our kids' accomplishments, but expressing your pride this way may put your family at risk.

It's one of those things you might not give much thought to, but just like posting pics to social media while on vacation, they could alert thieves or people who want to do you harm where you are, at what time, and your family's hobbies or names.

If you've gotta decal of your daughter's cheer team and her nickname stuck to your car you're giving out more information than you may intend to. The same goes for a football and your varsity linebacker's jersey number.

This extends to parking permits for work or your college. By keeping this information in plain sight you allow more opportunity for someone to do you or your family harm.

Ashley Glinka, a former federal law enforcement agent reminds us that it all comes down to being smart about what you share, “Safety is not about being paranoid—it is about being smart and being aware of what information we are sharing with the world. Criminals are opportunists; they prey on easy targets.

According to Reader's Digest, there are a few alternatives to consider.

... if you really want to put a bumper sticker on your car, it’s a good idea to keep it as generic as possible. In other words, bumper stickers that have quotes, movies, songs, animals, and other non-controversial decals are likely OK. However, before you peel and stick, know this: A bumper sticker is one of the things that will kill your car’s resale value.

We all want to be loud and proud of our kids, but not at the price of potentially putting them at risk. And, hey, like RD points out, they hurt your vehicle's resale value.

7 Car Stickers and Accessories You May Want to Remove

According to the Meridian Police Department, these sorts of stickers may make your family the target of a crime.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

Car Stickers That Make You A Target to Criminals

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