Drive In Theatres Are Alive and Well – Check Out These 10 Close To Abilene
Drive-Ins. Talk about a flashback. They were a staple to many of us growing up. The main means of entertainment on a Saturday night. Load up the car and let's go. Some of my fondest childhood memories involve the $5.00 carload. Of course, I'm sure that amount has varied over the years.
But what an experience. That's why one of the first things I did was share it with my kiddos. One of my favorite experiences at the drive-in movie was going to see The Shining when it first came out. We'd either take the pick-up truck and spread out in the bed or it would be the family station wagon. An array of snacks would never be too far away. Then, it got dark. You talk about creepy. Nothing but the dark open sky and the light of the projector screen, that's it. Here's Johnny.

Unfortunately, many of these memory makers are falling off by the wayside, being left vacant with overgrown weeds. But, the good news is that according to Expert Texan, drive-in movie theatres are alive and well. Scroll along and I'll show you nostalgia is not dead.
Drive Ins Are Alive and Well - Check Out These 10 Close to Abilene
The above is just a drop in the bucket compared to the good number of drive-ins all over the state. The good thing is that there are quite a few business owners out there that still believe in a good outdoor movie. Many of these drive-ins have multiple screens showing double features and are open every night.
I've always liked drive-ins for the fact that there's a lot of bang for the buck and it's easy on the wallet for a carload of family and friends to get in for one price. To me, it's good entertainment on a budget. Scroll on to see some more fun things to do in Abilene on a budget.